Phishing Detection API

Phishing is a type of online fraud that involves sending fraudulent emails to target users and then redirecting them to fake websites that try to get them to enter their payment details or login credentials. It can be a serious threat to your organisation, and the consequences can be costly.

Detecting phishing attacks is one of the most challenging security tasks, as bad actors use a variety of techniques to evade detection. We can help you keep your customers and employees safe with a phishing detection API that automatically analyzes and identifies suspicious URLs and phishing content in real-time.

Our phishing detection API uses 140 million URL syntax features to identify and stop zero-hour phishing threats at scale. It can be integrated with your application to help protect your users from malicious links in email, web and messaging.

The phishing detection API uses machine learning to identify and block malware and phishing URLs at scale. It evaluates over 140 million URL syntax features, with a 97% accuracy, and does not rely on blocklists or manual reviews.

In addition to evaluating URLs, we also analyze web content to determine if it is phishing or benign. We analyze page titles, text, images and more to identify if the content is potentially dangerous.

We’ll send you results for your domains so that you can monitor the risk and respond appropriately. Once a phishing link is detected, we’ll give you a risk score and confidence score that will indicate the likelihood of it being malicious or not.

Our risk scoring algorithms consider many factors to determine whether a phishing link is valid or not, including the URL itself, the reputation of the host, and the user’s account activity over time. We’ll alert your security team and/or automated system if there are any phishing links that need to be blocked.

Using a mix of machine learning and natural language processing, we can detect phishing URLs by looking for specific characteristics in the URL that are unique to this type of attack. We can then build a model that will tell you whether a URL is phishing or not, and what actions should be taken if it is found.

The URL is an important part of a phishing attack because it contains the link that will be used to direct users to a fake website. It is usually a URL that has been scraped from a legitimate website, but it could also be a URL from a spoofed site that looks like it belongs to the victim’s legitimate company.

For phishing detection, the most common technique is to examine the content of the URL itself and then to compare it with the contents of the corresponding benign page. This method requires some form of a crawl or data scraping, but it can also be done manually.

Other methods rely on the information contained in the page itself, such as keywords and page forms. These methods can work well, but they are often not able to differentiate between phishing and benign pages.