How to Jailbreak iOS With Checkra1n

Using the Checkra1n utility is a great way to bypass Apple’s iCloud lock screen and gain access to your account on any device. All you need to do is click a button and the program will launch. The tool is also available for Windows devices, but you will need to install a bootable USB disk to run it. You will then have to restart your device to exit. Although the checkra1n team has not yet released a windows version, it is currently compatible with windows 10.


Checkra1n is a jailbreaking utility that is available for a wide range of Apple products. It can jailbreak newer versions of iOS and iPadOS, and it has the unique ability to jailbreak nearly any firmware. This tool can be used on any Apple device from the iPhone 5s to the latest iPhone X.

Checkra1n is written in nano and can be run from the command line. It features four command parameters and works as a daemon to jailbreak iOS devices. It supports iOS 13.6+, but not the iPad Air 2. However, it does work on the iPad mini 2, which is one of the latest iPad models.

Steps to jailbreak a device with Checkra1n

Once you have installed the iRemove Software, open the Checkra1n application. It should be located in the Applications folder. Once opened, the application will detect your device and begin the jailbreak process. Note: If your device is not supported by Checkra1n, you can still try to jailbreak it. However, proceed at your own risk! Before you proceed, make sure you are running the latest version of Checkra1n.

Using the Checkra1n app, open a Terminal window on your computer. TheĀ program will identify your device and open the Checkra1n_gui Terminal file. From here, follow the instructions to enter the DFU mode.

Requirements for installing Cydia

In order to successfully install Cydia on your iOS device, you must have a compatible iOS device and an available jailbreak tool. There are a number of popular jailbreak tools available to install on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Some of these tools are also supported on Mac OS X.

First, you need a USB drive. Ideally, this will be at least 8GB. You will also need a program called Etcher. Etcher will detect your USB drive and ask you to choose an image file to install on it. Once this is done, you can use your USB drive to install Cydia.