Car Accident Attorney Fighting For Injury Victims

Car accident injury victims face many expenses after a crash, including hospital bills, property damage, and lost wages. An experienced attorney will help their clients recover full compensation for these damages.

An insurance company’s job is to protect their bottom line, not the victim’s health and well-being. That’s why it is important for car accident victims to have the assistance of an experienced attorney who can fight the insurance company on their behalf.

The attorneys at Giordano Law Offices, PLLC, assist individuals in New York City who have been injured in car accidents caused by other drivers’ negligence. They pursue financial relief for medical expenses, loss of income, property damage, and pain and suffering, and have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for their clients.

A car Accident attorney fighting for injury victims can leave you with serious injuries that impact your quality of life and make it impossible for you to do the things you enjoy. These effects can extend beyond your body, affecting your relationships and mental state. An experienced New York car accident lawyer can secure fair and just compensation for all of your physical, emotional, and financial losses.

Car accident attorneys must be prepared to deal with aggressive insurance companies that may seek to undermine a claim’s value. They must be able to anticipate the tactics used by insurance companies, which include hiring additional medical experts, downplaying the extent of the injury, and suggesting that the recovery period is short.

Insurance providers also often try to settle claims quickly. In doing so, they often offer settlements that are far below the total amount of the victims’ costs. In addition, they sometimes attempt to pressure victims into accepting the offer by placing a deadline on it.

When an insurer tries to lowball the value of a claim or denies a valid claim altogether, the injured party can file a lawsuit. An experienced New York auto accident attorney will be able to effectively challenge these insurance companies and ensure that their client’s claim is upheld.

The New York car accident lawyers at Kramer, Dillof, Livingston & Moore have extensive experience representing victims of automobile crashes. They have won billions of dollars in settlements for their clients and are ranked among the best car accident firms in America. Their team has handled cases involving car accidents caused by distracted, drunk, drowsy, and careless drivers as well as those due to road hazards and vehicle defects. They also have a strong track record in wrongful death cases. They are available to consult with potential clients about their cases in English, Spanish, and Polish, and they provide free initial consultations.